When should I apply?
You should apply optimally 8 or more weeks before you plan to attend, to ensure time for processing financial aid. Follow the steps in our Admission Steps.
How do I register or enroll?
You must complete an application to the college before you can register for classes. We are an open enrollment College which means if you submit the admission application and required transcripts there are no other criteria for admission to the College. Follow the steps in our Admission Steps for trouble-free enrollment.
Open registration dates are always listed on the academic calendar. You may access the academic calendars.
How do I meet with an advisor for the first time?
Advisors are assigned to online students alphabetically. You should receive an email from your advisor within 72 hours (excluding weekends and holidays) from the day you submit your application. Advisors have virtual offices and can tell you how to access them. We also provide Chat with an Advisor online.
Advisors cannot answer information specific to your student record unless you write to them from your Polk State College institutional email address.
A-M –
N-Z – onlineadvisingz@jishuoba.comHow do I meet with an advisor as I go through my program?
The online advisors have virtual offices. You can email your advisor at any time during our normal business hours to make an appointment. Be sure to provide several meeting time options to the advisor when you request a meeting. If you live locally and prefer to meet with an advisor in person; you do not need an appointment. Advisors are available during our normal business hours from 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday – Thursday and 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. on Fridays.
You may also communicate with the advisor through email without making an appointment as long as you use your Polk State College institutional email address ( Advisors cannot share your college information with you if you write from your personal email address.
Online advisors can be reached at:
A-M –
N-Z –
You may also use the tools in PASSPORT under the Advising section to follow your education plan and view your degree audit to keep yourself on track.
Financial Aid
I am a veteran, are there details I need to know about financial aid for online programs/courses?
Polk State College offers online courses and programs for Military Veterans and their dependents. We provide the Veteran student with a comprehensive directory of online courses and accredited degree programs. Online courses may pay differently depending on the VA Benefit or Chapter utilized at the time. Please pay special attention to the online and hybrid course selections. If you have additional questions please click here.
Getting Started
How do I identify an online class in Polk State’s class schedule?
Classes that are fully online have a red comment in the schedule that states “Pure Internet”. You can be assured that you will not be required to come to campus for any tests, labs, or classes.
Classes that are mostly online but require testing at a Polk State College campus have a red comment in the schedule that states “Requires Testing on Polk State Campus”.
Classes that are hybrid and generally meet nights or weekends once a week or every other week have a red comment that states “Web Component”. Be sure to pay close attention to the class meeting schedule before registering.
What is the best way to search for online classes in Polk State’s class schedule?
- Go to the class schedule.
- Search for the course you want to take.
- Scroll down to “Alternative Instructional Method” and select “Pure Internet (PDB)”.
- Click “Search Now” and find the classes with the red schedule comment “Pure Internet”.
Is there technical assistance for students in Online@PolkState?
Yes. If you have trouble logging in to Canvas, accessing your course(s), or need additional assistance, visit this page.
- Information Desk at 863.297.1000 (Extension 0) for information.
- Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
- Office 365 Helpdesk: 863-298-6839
- Canvas Support: 844.880.9814
- Hours: 24/7
- Student Log-in Help – For all systems
- Information Desk at 863.297.1000 (Extension 0) for information.
What is an Online@PolkState student?
If you are taking a program fully online, you are an online@PolkState student.
Do I have to take exams at the campus listed on my schedule or can I take the exams online?
Some professors require proctored exams at multiple-campus locations or one location, while others provide remote proctored options. Note: the remote proctored option will incur an additional cost of $10 per exam or $20 for all exams in one course. This information is on the course syllabus and varies by instructor.
Do I have to log in at a specific time for an online course?
Be sure to log in the first day of classes and complete the required online activity (i.e. introduction, discussion, quiz, and/or dropbox assignment) to avoid being dropped for non-attendance. You may log in any time of the day or night that is convenient. Once you’ve logged in, read your syllabus carefully and thoroughly for important dates and deadlines. Not all courses are the same; class schedules will vary.
Do I have to meet an attendance requirement for an online course?
Yes, just as face-to-face classes require attendance, there are required online activities that verify your attendance. You are required to upload assignments, post discussions, or e-mail the professor by stated deadlines. The syllabus explains the requirements for each course. You must read the syllabus carefully and perform required tasks by the professor’s stated deadlines so you’re not dropped from the course for nonattendance.
What is the BAS capstone course and how do I register?
The capstone course for the BAS Supervision and Management degree is a course which assesses the level of knowledge and skills gained through the program. The student completes a professional project and applies information and skills studied in core and concentration program courses. Successful completion of the course requires demonstration of achievement of the program’s learning outcomes. The course is to be taken in the final semester and requires completion of all core and specialization courses.
Registration for the course requires permission of the program director. To obtain permission, email Provide student name, student ID and section reference number in your email. The program specialist or program director will register the student for the section requested if the student is eligible to take the course. A confirmation email will be sent to the student.